Defense Jobs
High Paying Jobs
Working Abroad
Straight Talk
In order to get one of these high paying LOGCAP 4 jobs you’ve either got to: 1. Know somebody that works there, or 2. Know somebody like me who knows how the LOGCAP system works and is willing to help you!
Frequently Asked Questions
We have attempted to clarify some of the most frequently asked questions below, though we invite you to contact us at any time, with any queries you may have.
# | Article Title |
1 | If I’m hurt on the job, will I be eligible for unemployment? | Administrator |
2 | How do I get a recruiter to call me? I’ve applied to several LOGCAP companies, but with no luck. | Administrator |
3 | If my spouse and I both get hired by the same company, can we live together? | Administrator |
4 | What about health insurance? | Administrator |
5 | How much do LOGCAP jobs pay? | Administrator |
6 | I used to be on the LOGCAP project, but quit to take some time off. Can I come back? | Web master |
7 | Will there be an opportunity for advancement? | Administrator |
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Special Note
NOTE: LOGCAP 4 Jobs does not guarantee employment of any kind nor does it guarantee or imply that you will ever be contacted by a LOGCAP 4 recruiter. LogCap4Jobs reserves the right to refund your payment if your resume is considered to be in no need of improvement.